

// 2020年7月31日更新



我怀着沉重的心情, 但清醒的信念, that I’m announcing 希望国际大学 will begin the Fall 2020 Semester with remote learning.  Given the lack of guidance from the State of California for the reopening of colleges and universities and the current trending of community spread of COVID-19 in Southern California, 我们让这件事变得很困难, 但是必要的决定.  另外, in accordance with the announcement from the Golden State Athletic Conference (GSAC) on July 30, 2020, 所有秋季学期运动, 除了越野之外, 推迟到2021年.

在过去的几个月, we have been making investments and implementing new protocols for the safe reopening of our campus - that important work will continue so we will continue to be prepared, 当允许, 为了回到面对面的指导和体育比赛.  We have also been preparing for the possibility of beginning the fall semester with remote learning and have made investments in technology and instructor training to ensure the learning experience is just as rigorous as in-person instruction.

We understand that the decision to begin the fall semester with remote learning will place additional difficult and uneven burdens on our student community and t在这里 will be many questions regarding logistical and financial matters.  We’ve provided the following summary of several important implications of starting the fall semester with remote learning to help bring clarity to questions you may have.

学费 & 学费.  Full-time traditional undergraduate students will receive a $625 tuition grant and a $375 reduction in student fees, 结果是1美元,学费补助和秋季学期的学费减免. Exceptions may apply to students whose tuition is either primarily or fully covered by institutional and/or state aid. 也, full-time marriage and family therapy graduate students that are part of the traditionally in-person program will receive a $300 tuition grant for the fall semester.  Part-time traditional undergraduate students and marriage and family therapy students that are part of the traditionally in-person program will receive a prorated amount based on their program enrollment level. 

住宅建筑.  支持我们胜博发体育app的健康和安全, we are limiting residential housing capacity to one student per room for the fall semester at the triple room rate.  We encourage all students to carefully consider the necessity to live on campus or in the local community for the fall semester.  住宅将实行先到先得, 标间, 虽然会优先考虑有困难的胜博发体育app.  为住宿生活做准备, we have made operational investments in our housing facilities and have adopted relevant protocols in accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A communication from Residence Life will be made next week with more information.

餐计划. Students will only be charged for meal plans if they will be residing on campus for the fall semester.  All meals will be packaged “to go” since indoor dining is currently not permitted in Orange County.  为了支持健康, 住宿胜博发体育app的安全和正常膳食, 我们的餐食计划只有10种, 每周15到19顿饭.  Please note that common area kitchens in the residence halls will be closed in connection with our COVID-19 protocols.  鉴于2019冠状病毒病在校外社区传播的风险, we encourage our residential students to dine on campus as much as possible.

停车费.  Students will only be charged for parking if they will be residing on campus for the fall semester.

金融援助.  All academic and athletic institutional financial aid and scholarships will remain unchanged for the fall semester.  Any institutional financial aid provided in connection with residential housing will only be provided to students that reside on campus during the fall semester.

体育运动.  Student athletes that participate in a fall sport will receive more information from their respective head coach.

胜博发体育app工作者.  If available, t在这里 will be limited student worker opportunities during the fall semester.  An announcement regarding student workers will be made within the next two weeks.

校园书店. Our bookstore is open on campus during regular business hours and is open 24 hours a day, 每周7天 http://www.hope.bkstr.com/ 所有的课程材料,HIU装备和供应需求.  Course materials are posted on the bookstore website and on the HIU website with course schedules and students should consult those lists when placing orders with the bookstore.

胜博发体育app生活经历.  随着秋季学期的临近, please stay tuned for more information on how students will be able to engage with resources for interaction with other students, 在线教堂和心理健康服务.

除非有戏剧性的, positive changes in the level of community spread of COVID-19 in Southern California and/or we receive updated guidance from the State of California permitting colleges and universities to reopen in the coming weeks, we anticipate that we will remain in a remote learning format for the balance of the fall semester.

We are steadfastly committed to our mission of empowering students through Christian higher education to serve the Church and impact the world for Christ.  While our approach to delivering on our mission may be different for the fall semester, 我们通过信仰的融合致力于每一个胜博发体育app的成功, 服务和学习不变. 我们继续依靠神的供应, 智慧和保护,让我们一起踏上这段旅程.



Dr. 保罗H. 亚历山大



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